




This bank consists of 9 VCF-based patches, with the Radiohead "Everything In Its Right Place" recreation thrown in as a bonus 10th patch at the end. Remember to run the VCF Calibration routines before playing!

1) Sines Wind: A wide sine pad that morphs into an immersive windy patch when the mod wheel is used.

2) Sines Arp: A standard sine arp with an upper octave triggered from the mod wheel.

3) Sine Crush: A wide sine pad with bitcrushing available from the mod wheel.

4) Sines Arp Crush: A beautiful wide sine arp with bitcrushing. Mod wheel engages an upper octave.

5) Sine LeadArp: A vintage-sounding sine lead tone, complete with saturation and pitch wobble from the mod wheel.

6) Toms: Nice analog percussive toms built with the VCFs. Mod wheel softens the attack.

7) Bellz: Unheard-of additive synthesis bell tones on the DM12.

8) Sine Lead 2: A brighter, grittier version of Sine LeadArp that leverages additive synthesis to create more overtones.

9) Organ: A great toy organ emulation using additive synthesis. The mod wheel speeds up the rotary effect.

10) BONUS: EIIRP Jakub: A recreation of the main pad from Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead.


Forbidden Patches for the DM12

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